Im Jahr 1477 folgte als Kardinal noch der Sohn einer Schwester Girolamos, Raffaele Sansoni-Riario. [7] He had Regiomontanus attempt the first sanctioned reorganisation of the Julian calendar and increased the size and prestige of the papal chapel choir, bringing singers and some prominent composers (Gaspar van Weerbeke, Marbrianus de Orto and Bertrandus Vaqueras) to Rome from the north. "Pope Sixtus IV." Das Heilige Kollegium hatte zum Zeitpunkt seiner Papstwahl insgesamt 25 Kardinäle umfasst. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — all for only $19.99... Born near Abisola, 21 July, 1414; died 12 Aug., 1484. [3] That was a cornerstone of the privileges claimed for the Gallican Church and could never be shifted as long as Louis XI manoeuvred to replace King Ferdinand I of Naples with a French prince. IV und die Republik Florenz (Ratisbon, 1880). [17], As a temporal prince who constructed stout fortresses in the Papal States, he encouraged the Venetians to attack Ferrara, which he wished to obtain for another nephew. [18] Arguably the "ideology of conquest" expounded in those texts became the means by which commerce and conversion were facilitated.[19]. decrees could be published in his kingdom. Almqvist & Wiksell International (1976), Perie, The Triple Crown, Spring 1935 p.26, Minister General of the Order of Friars Minor, Butler, Richard Urban. Durch die Bulle Exigit sincerae devotionis affectus vom 1. Salviati, der versucht hatte, den Palast der Signoria zu besetzen, wurde festgesetzt und noch am selben Tag an einem der Fenster des Regierungspalastes gehängt. Die übrigen Kardinalsernennungen betrafen Repräsentanten der Höfe von Frankreich, Kastilien, Portugal, Neapel und Mailand, ebenso wie Vertreter des römischen, genuesischen und venezianischen Adels. and Girolamo are blots upon his career. This included the right to establish the four traditional faculties of theology, law (Canon Law and Roman law), medicine, and philosophy, and to award the bachelor's, master's, licentiate, and doctoral degrees. (The dogma of the Immaculate Conception was eventually proclaimed by Pius IX in 1870.). zur Begleichung seiner Schulden überlassen worden war. Zunächst sollte Lorenzo nach Rom vorgeladen werden, wo man ihn festnehmen wollte, während gleichzeitig sein Bruder in Florenz ermordet werden sollte. Pope Sixtus IV (21 July 1414 – 12 August 1484), born Francesco della Rovere, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 9 August 1471 to his death. [7] He had Regiomontanus attempt the first sanctioned reorganisation of the Julian calendar and increased the size and prestige of the papal chapel choir, bringing singers and some prominent composers (Gaspar van Weerbeke, Marbrianus de Orto and Bertrandus Vaqueras) to Rome from the north. Along with the shameless promotion of his family, Sixtus was indirectly involved in a murder conspiracy against the Medici family contrived by his nephew, Girolamo, whom Sixtus had made a count, and a Florentine friend. His bronze funerary monument, now in the basement Treasury of St. Peter's Basilica, made like a giant casket of goldsmith's work, is by Antonio Pollaiuolo. The Sistine Chapel, named for him, was also built at this time. He felt unwell that evening and was forced to cancel a meeting he was to hold with his cardinals the following morning. Der Streit konnte erst durch das Eingreifen Federico da Montefeltros (Heerführer des Papstes und von diesem während der Auseinandersetzungen zum Herzog von Urbino erhoben) geschlichtet werden, der Niccolò Vitelli, der die Stadt bis dahin für Florenz gehalten hatte, zur Aufgabe überreden konnte. However, Pietro died prematurely in 1474, and his role passed to Giuliano Della Rovere. He is the presiding head of the Roman Catholic church, although his twin brother Francesco (imprisoned at Castel Sant'Angelo) is the true legitimate Pope. Alessandro della Rovere, now Pope Sixtus IV ( July 21, 1414 – August 12, 1484), is portrayed by James Faulkner. Numerous ill-advised political alliances and their eventual demises enraged the people and chaos ensued in the Papal State and surrounding area. Within Rome itself, this truly Renaissance man created artistic achievements still enjoyed today. pontificate. As Pope, he issued a papal bull allowing local bishops to give the bodies of executed criminals and unidentified corpses to physicians and artists for dissection. Von vielen Historikern wird vermutet, dass Kardinal Bessarion den Papst zu dieser Kardinalserhebung veranlasste. Sixtus founded the Spanish Inquisition through the bull Exigit sincerae devotionis affectus (1478), and he annulled the decrees of the Council of Constance. Bei seinen Zeitgenossen war Francesco della Rovere wegen seiner Lehrtätigkeit und als hervorragender Prediger geschätzt. [7] His nephew Pietro Riario also benefited from his nepotism. Sixtus was born Francesco Della Rovere in Celle Ligure, which was part of the Republic of Genoa. This page was last edited on 5 October 2020, at 14:45. [23] By all respects, given his personal gifts, Sixtus IV should have emerged as one of our greatest popes. im Papstamt nachfolgte. Before becoming the pope, Sixtus III was an Italian man born to poor parents in Celle Ligure. prove that Aquinas and Scotus, though differing in words, were really of one mind upon the
Er wurde von seiner Mutter bereits im Alter von sieben Jahren in geistliche Obhut gegeben, und als er das notwendige Alter erreicht hatte, trat er dem Franziskanerorden bei. August 1484 von dem Waffenstillstand in Kenntnis gesetzt; am folgenden Tag verstarb er über einem Tobsuchtsanfall an einem Schlaganfall. So musste Sixtus schließlich am 28. In November 1476, Isabel and Fernando ordered an investigation into rights of conquest in the Canary Islands, and in the spring of 1478, they sent Juan Rejon with sixty soldiers and thirty cavalry to the Grand Canary, where the natives retreated inland. water from the Quirinal to the Fountain of Trevi, and began a transformation of the city
His parents were poor, and while still a child he was destined for the Franciscan order. A patron of the arts, he brought together the group of artists who ushered the Early Renaissance into Rome with the first masterpieces of the city's new artistic age. At the beginning of his papacy, in 1471, Sixtus had donated several historically important Roman sculptures that founded a papal collection of art, which would eventually develop into the collections of the Capitoline Museums. 25 Jul. Upon being elected Pope, Della Rovere adopted the name Sixtus, which had not been used since the 5th century. September 1482 – an Malaria, von der er auf dem Feldzug befallen worden war. The top of the casket is a lifelike depiction of the Pope lying in state. Becoming a Franciscan, he subsequently taught and was chosen minister general of his order in 1464. Sixtus wurde zunächst in einer Seitenkapelle von Alt St. Peter beigesetzt. foundation; his worst vice was nepotism, and his greatest misfortune was that he was
St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome now has a monument dedicated to his honor that bears a relief of his face and body. appointed for France, Spain, Germany, Hungary, and Poland, with the hope of enkindling
That was part of a broader scheme of urbanization carried out under Sixtus IV, who swept the long-established markets from the Campidoglio in 1477 and decreed in a bull of 1480 the widening of streets and the first post-Roman paving, the removal of porticoes and other post-classical impediments to free public passage. wurde zwischen 1475 und 1483 die nach ihm benannte Sixtinische Kapelle im Vatikan erbaut. Among the most important of these was that the university was officially given the same freedoms and privileges as the University of Bologna. Nevertheless, Sixtus IV quarrelled over protocol and prerogatives of jurisdiction; he was unhappy with the excesses of the Inquisition and condemned the most flagrant abuses in 1482.
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