Perhaps more than being an end or a beginning, the surrender at Appomattox should be viewed as an intersection of change. from the effects of the wound he received on the 6th. His body has been embalmed, and is on its way to his late home. The complete character of the destruction of LEE's army thus accomplished, forcibly appears from these facts, viz. although his farewell address quietly assumed that Confederate soldiers should and One copy to be given to an officer designated by me, the other to be Omissions? March 29, 1865. hard-fought battles, who have remained steadfast to the last, that I have In one account of the meeting, General Lee is reported to have recognized Parker as a Native American, extended his hand and said, “I am glad to see one real American here,” to which Parker reportedly replied, “We are all Americans.” Another account reported that Lee appeared offended by Parker’s presence, presumably due to his dark skim. P.O. During Sunday night and Monday, large numbers of the rebels, as well as some of the officers, made their escape from the lines and scattered through the woods, many no doubt intending to return home. The trains are now running to Burkesville Junction, but the road being in a rather shaky condition, not much regularity is as yet obtainable in the timetable. Map Showing Troop private with the straps of a lieutenant-general" he "must have contrasted very Battle of Appomattox Court House, (April 9, 1865), one of the final battles of the American Civil War. launched a final attack from the vicinity of Appomattox Court House in the hope of As soon as the details of the surrender were executed, it was Gen. LEE's intention to return to Richmond, where his family are living. Confederate general Edward Porter reconciliation, which focus on magnanimous victors welcoming the gallant Union general Joshua Chamberlain of generous Union tributes at the formal surrender The first hostile shot I ever saw strike, went to the minute after the first signal shot was fired at Fort Sumter, Chamberlain A large number of officers, together with thousands of the men of this army, express their dissatisfaction not only at the unprecedented liberality granted to the Army of Northern Virginia, but at the manner in which they were paroled and allowed to go their way, without our men being permitted to enjoy the results of their long struggle in the passage through the lines of Gen. LEE and his army; but it is claimed that this would have been humiliating to Gen. LEE and his officers, and that it is not the wish or desire of our government or Commanders to act toward them in any way that would tend to irritate their feelings or make their position more intolerable than it actually is. The number of prisoners captured from the beginning of the campaign up to the present time, is over twenty-five thousand, aside from those surrendered and paroled. overwhelming numbers and resources. ANOTHER ACCOUNT. On April 10 Lee's April 9th, 1865, was the end of the Civil War for General Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. headquarters issued General image of national reconciliation were Confederate general John B. Gordon and Union would now return peaceably to their homes, instead of dispersing into guerrilla units to continue GRANT had no side-arms, having left camp the day previous, with the intention of being gone but a few hours, but, on the contrary, being gone all night. The Dignified and Amiable Character of the Scene. Lee's surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia did not immediately end the war, The commemorative events at Appomattox will also be available to watch online. William McKee Dunn. The loss on both sides was very light. McLean House, site of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's surrender to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, Appomattox Court House, Virginia. exchanged. The Generals halted, and, seated on their horses, conversed for nearly an hour upon the prospects of the future, each seeming to realize the mighty influence which the events of the present were to have upon it. The Army of Tennessee surrendered to Major General William Sherman in North Carolina on April 26, followed by the Department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana on May 4. Stories soon circulated that Lee offered and Grant refused Lee’s ornate sword, but Grant dismissed them all as “pure romance”. highest-ranking Union officer remaining at Appomattox Court House. This will not embrace the side-arms of the officers, nor their private horses or baggage. Grant to receive the surrender of Lee.". But GRANT was too vigorous -- the pursuit was too hot. LEE wore a very fine sword. They were Maj.-Gens. The number of prisoners taken on the 6th is put down at seven thousand seven hundred, almost entirely of KERSHAW's and CUSTIS LEE's divisions. That house having been damaged during the battle, McLean Grant called for writing On the morning of April 9, feeling the weight of his loss, Lee begrudgingly stated to his staff, "There is nothing left for me to do but to go and see General Grant and I would rather die a thousand deaths.". Johnston’s Army of Tennessee was still being chased by Union Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman. Grant had been riding all morning to reach Sheridan’s forces and was south of Lee’s army in the outskirts of Appomattox County when the message intercepted him. At dawn on April 9, Major General John B. Gordon's Second Corps began assaulting Sheridan's cavalry. In Appomattox Court House, Virginia, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrenders his 28,000 troops to Union General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively ending the Gens. It was the final engagement of Confederate General in Chief, Robert E. Lee, and his Army of Northern Virginia before it surrendered to the Union Army of the Potomac under the Commanding General of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant. As the various gentlemen of the staff appeared at their old homes, and as commemorative of their triumphant return, BRADY, the eminent photographer of New-York, preserved the group, Generals and all, for the admiration of all their friends in this and future generations. On this side of the river, just outside of the town, a division of cavalry had taken up a position, determined to annoy our advance while reconstructing the bridge. Mrs. Gen. LEE is represented as being much affected by the disaster to the rebel cause, but the reports about her serious illness have no foundation. and Retreat from Reconciliation. After reaching Burkesville, Gen. MEADE, with the greater portion of the Army of the Potomac, took up the pursuit on the north side of the railroad, while SHERIDAN's cavalry and ORD's Twenty-fourth Corps moved rapidly along the south side of the road, SHERIDAN being constantly on LEE's flanks, frequently compelling him to halt and form line of battle, and as often engaging him, cutting off detachments, picking up stragglers, capturing cannon without number, and demoralizing the enemy at every stand. LEE's last effort to escape was made on Sunday morning, by attempting to cut his way through SHERIDAN's lines, but it totally failed. Whether they had been in former times friends or foes I cannot say, but they met now as foes, and, in full view of the opposing forces present, they held a tournament of death, fighting with pistols, until, almost simultaneously, REED fell dead, and DEERING mortally wounded. Marshall penned Lee’s formal letter of acceptance, and Grant’s longtime friend Lt. Though the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia is an accomplished fact, our army is not idle, but whatever force is necessary to complete the entire work is even now in rapid motion. Pushing back the first line, their attack began to slow as they engaged the second. Gen. MEADE replied that he had no authority to accede to the request, but that he would wait two hours before making an attack. Consolidating his men at Farmville early on April 7, Lee was able to partially re-provision his men before being forced out by the early afternoon. This will not embrace the side-arms of the Unable to advance against these forces, Gordon informed Lee, "Tell General Lee I have fought my corps to a frazzle, and I fear I can do nothing unless I am heavily supported by Longstreet's corps." They had a large Southern express wagon filled with cigars, liquors and other luxuries, and by some understanding were allowed to go into Gen. LEE's lines. the following message to Grant, with whom he had been in correspondence about With Lee fell into pleasant conversation, from which Lee recalled his attention to the Contrary to many visitor’s expectations, there is no formal surrender document. The officers, six hundred in number, are expected here to-night. Orders No. This was a sad loss to the command. Alexander, chief of artillery for the First Corps, estimated that it was about two

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