This is a balance of having equal sides. It is the way in which we create and uphold hope. Anyone can justifiably defend his or her response. Optimism, the outlook towards the glass half full, gives the inclination towards the positive outlook of events and circumstances and defines the attitude of an individual. That is part of the reason why I’m so anxious for the next step in my life. Did you fill the glass to the halfway point, or did you fill the whole glass and drink half? If the person is a pessimist, the glass is half empty. But here’s another point of view. An individual’s need also plays a factor in that answer. This is a clear case of a black or white logical fallacy, where there is no grey, only black or white. If you are optimistic, the glass is half full. An individual’s need also plays a factor in that answer. Is the glass half empty or half full? Is The Glass Half Full Or Half Empty Essay. I could feel the plane moving quickly to prepare for the takeoff and I swore my knuckles were whiter than they ever have been. It was a chilly fall night. Optimism If you are optimistic, the glass is half full. Did I make the right choice? The optimist is often portrayed as the happy-go-lucky person, always happy and having high expectations, always expecting the best. If you are optimistic, the glass is half full. Someone offers you half a glass and you know that’s, The infamous question “Glass half full, or half empty?” Many people believe that this one simple question tells a lot about a person and how they view life, but I can’t help but disagree. Of course, much more thought has to be put into his words because the answer to how he feels is not given and you have to really look for it. As life moves forward, your goals will inevitably change and your definition of success and happiness changes with them. Anxiousness kicks in throughout the whole senior year. A few people dependably observe their glass half empty, others half full. That one word is what defines me these past few months, that one word is constantly in my head: anxious. But here’s another point of view. Did you fill the glass to the halfway point, or did you fill the whole glass and drink half? There is another outlook to this quote and that would be to just refill the cup. Depending on the person, there are two major answers. And he will be thirsty. However,…, This medicine comes from an involuntary physical or emotional stimulation, such as a tickle or funny joke. Quite the contrary really. I believe that this is a circumstantial question. Whether the situation is pleasant or unpleasant, on optimist will take a hopeful, positive spin on it, expecting a decent outcome. He sees that the glass used to be full and now half of its contents are gone. Optimism can be defined as “Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something” (, n.d.) or more specifically as “extent to which people hold generalized favorable expectancies for their future” (Birkeland, Blix, & Heir, 2007). So I was one of the, Stress Management But seriously I'm a bit of both depending on what the circumstances are. - Television is the advised primary medium of communication as it has mass reach, a favourable image, high prestige value and is attention getting If you are pessimistic, the glass is half empty. Hope often caresses and carries its owner, but only occasionally does it offer consistently positive effects…, (negativity) is a glass with water at the midpoint, where the confident person is said to see the glass as half full, yet the worry wart sees the glass as half empty. However I do not think these two titles should be the only ideas viewed within this topic. Whenever I tell someone that they need to learn how to control their stress they always tell me they need their stress. Trying to, I come from a place where people are determined. Those who see the glass as being half full and those who see the glass as being half empty. He seems to look at the glass as if it is half empty. The optimists; those who see the glass as half full, and the pessimist; those whom see the glass as half empty. The current study delves into testing the relationship between optimism and decision-making. I had to be strong, but my pessimistic side was being horrible. If your expectations are too high, it will only hurt worse when something goes wrong. You finish a rigorous workout and need water. There remains one aspect of contemplation that represents itself untapped. An individual’s need also plays a factor in that answer. The more broad concept of optimism is the understanding that all of nature, past, present and future, A Handful of Optimism I believe that this is a circumstantial question. Though a simple question, often times people find it difficult to answer.

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