“I have $2.37,” he said. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. I’ve been reading plenty of these short stories in the past couple of weeks and found the lessons behind them truly wonderful. He is never going to be able to run and jump and play with you like the other puppies.”, To his surprise, the little boy reached down and rolled up his pant leg to reveal a badly twisted, crippled left leg supported by a big metal brace. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her – now she could see everything, including her boyfriend. The daughter naturally had three choices as to what she could have done: She drew out a pebble from the bag, and before looking at it ‘accidentally’ dropped it into the midst of the other pebbles. Again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. The loan-shark was a very old, unattractive looking guy that just so happened to fancy the business owner’s daughter. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. Eventually, one of the frogs took heed to what the others were saying and he gave up, falling down to his death. In a small Italian town, hundreds of years ago, a small business owner owed a large sum of money to a loan-shark. Standing on a pebble-strewn path in the businessman’s garden, the loan-shark bent over and picked up two pebbles. Think about what you say before it comes out of your mouth. Testament to this, there was a tradition of all the owners to wear a big lapel badge saying “Business is Great!” Generally, it was great, but there were tough times just like all businesses. For helping your sales team to develop you have to check out this course, it’s packed with strategies to make them even more effective. I'm female, 24 and work in London after moving here this time last year from small village life. To prepare itself for flying once it was out of the cocoon. If anyone is to be blamed, it is the baker.”. Noticing their section leader was mounted as well, and shouting orders at the men to work faster, dig deeper and threatening to whip anyone that didn’t complete their work within the hour. Inspirational Short Stories. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. Copyright © 2014-2020 Wealthy Gorilla Limited, 4 Bodyweight Workout Routines I Use to Build Muscle. Taking a step away from reality there are many motivational fables that serve an ultimate goal of delivering a lesson, which is the second type of motivational story you can share with employees. I love this old story by Mark Twain. Control your anger, and don’t say things to people in the heat of the moment, that you may later regret. I now work in the mental health industry and the majority of my coworkers are African or Carribean emigrants. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time. Sometimes you need to support your staff, and other times they need to do whatever it takes to get it done. He then asked the daughter to reach into the bag and pick one. Until it suddenly stopped making any progress and looked like it was stuck. It’s your choice as to how you interpret any situation, whether you’re looking at it positively with optimism, or as a challenge full of negativity. A household name today, but a woman with a troubled past. Every day when the baker brings the bread, I put it on the scale and give him the same weight in butter. He yelled at her; “Don’t you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside?”. Using these six stories as a base for motivation, you have an arsenal of themes and topics that you can use to raise your employees to additional success. However, the catch was that we would only wipe out the debt if he could marry the businessman’s daughter. I truly feel like I fit in … There was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to a baker. So the man decided to help the butterfly. Sometimes fact, sometimes fiction, stories encourage your staff to think, and to reflect on the lessons. Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. It might just be the difference between life and death. It’s always possible to overcome a tough situation throughout of the box thinking, and not give in to the only options you think you have to pick from. Welcome to our community, and we are so grateful to have you here with us. That little dog is worth every bit as much as all the other dogs and I’ll pay full price. On the first day, the boy hammered 37 nails into that fence. I hope these inspirational short stories will give you some encouragement when you search for motivation in your work. Sitting down and wallowing in your own self pity means you will achieve nothing in your life. You can click on any of the buttons below to follow us on our social media channels; or to get in touch with the founder, Dan Western, head over to the 'contact' page. As a group of frogs was traveling through the woods, two of them fell into a deep pit. The battle isn’t over until you say it is. He looked straight into the store owner’s eyes, pointing his finger, and said; “I don’t want you to give him to me. If this sounds interesting check out this course on becoming an influencer, and learn the power behind this mentality in your own workforce. The store owner replied, “Anywhere from $30 to $50.”, The little boy pulled out some change from his pocket. Instead of giving up and admitting defeat, giving over to the pain and submitting like many others would have done in that position – he was determined to cross the finish line. Out of the kennel came Lady, who ran down the aisle of his shop followed by five teeny, tiny balls of fur. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. A boring job could be seen as something really interesting as well. Angry about this, he took the farmer to court. The ultimate goal is to realize that you’re only a true leader if you’re willing to do the work of your team without complaint, when they need you most. Signs like this always have a way of attracting young children, and to no surprise, a boy saw the sign and approached the owner; “How much are you going to sell the puppies for?” he asked. Your email address will not be published. The judge asked the farmer if he was using any measure to weight the butter. If it was white, the debt would also be wiped, but the daughter wouldn’t have to marry the loan-shark. Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. the thought that everyone doing business is blessed, because of the opportunity that comes with being in a civilized country, where there are no real worries. He then hid himself and watched to see if anyone would move the boulder out of the way. Three Feet From Gold. An inspirational story is nothing if it doesn’t cause you to do something or at least make you believe in yourself a bit more. I realized there were only two options: either I would give in and continue working feeling miserable and hating my life - or I could try to find my own inner strength. The only person she didn’t hate was her loving boyfriend, as he was always there for her. Next to the subheadings, in brackets, I’ve put what the story’s lesson is all about, with a short description of the moral of the story at the end of each section. ");document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='"+gaJsHost+"google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));try{var pageTracker=_gat._getTracker("UA-4307661-2");pageTracker._trackPageview();}catch(err){}google_ad_client="pub-2157555800218665";google_ad_slot="6690565976";google_ad_width=336;google_ad_height=280; Of course money can play a big part in work motivation (we all need to pay our bills, after all), but the pay check alone just isn´t enough to carry you to that magical good feeling place about your job. What the badge was great for was starting a conversation, where the owner could then talk about all of the positive parts of the business. All that was holding them back from escaping the camp, was a small piece of rope tied to one of their legs. A great customer service tip this employee swears by is having patience and …

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