formowania rotacyjnego, With the adoption of Council Regulation (EC) No 1239/98 of 8 June 1998 amending Regulation (EC) No 894/97 laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of fishery resources, a prohibition to use drift nets, intended for the capture of certain species, falling within the sovereignty or jurisdiction. Council Directive 96/62/EC of 27 September 1996 on ambient air quality assessment and management (5) and Council Directive 1999/30/EC of 22 April 1999 relating to limit values for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter and lead in ambient air (6 ) taken together require 3.4.2001 EN Member States to assess, Messe assieme, le direttive 96/62/CE del Consiglio, del 27 settembre 1996, in materia di valutazione e di gestione della qualità dell’aria ambiente (5 ), e 1999/30/CE del Consiglio, del 22 aprile 1999, concernente i valori limite di qualità dell’aria ambiente per il biossido di zolfo, il biossido di azoto, gli ossidi di azoto, le particelle e il piombo (6 ), impongono agli Stati membri di determinare le concentrazioni di biossido, The Group initiated a process of internationalisation of its investment activities, with the start of operations in the second half of 2007 in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) in both trading and property development, via an investment totalling around 15 million. Ce résultat ne correspond pas à ma recherche. ", “Their personal comments are very much useful and it's a good way to improve the language. DiscoverLIA COVID-19Ludwig Initiative Against COVID-19, Sign up for free or try Premium free for 15 days. Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : Proposer comme traduction pour "from 4 pm onwards". Infolge der Zusammenlegung von Verwaltungsregistern in Dänemark im Jahr 1999 können die Unternehmensgründungen in diesem Jahr überbewertet worden sein; die Qualität der. }; "I will be available on either Monday or Friday." e forestale, automotrici ferroviarie e locomotive, navi della navigazione interna, motori a velocità costante e piccoli motori a benzina impiegati in diversi tipi di macchine. 12 e 13 settembre 2008, una prima diagnosi comune e a fissare una prima serie di messaggi chiave: ripristino della fiducia sui mercati, responsabilizzazione di tutti gli attori, rafforzamento della supervisione europea. Furthermore, subjects were instructed to consume a standardized meal the evening prior to the test days and stay fasted from 10 pm onwards. English, USA Apr 21, 2011 #2 Hello. As already announced in June 2012, the Management. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. as the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, city breaks at Easter, the new theme "Active Holidays in Germany" and, in particular, "Affordable Germany". One of our experts will proofread your English. Directive 97/68/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to measures against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from internal combustion engines to be installed in non-road mobile machinery (hereafter “the Directive”) regulates the maximum exhaust emissions carbon oxide (CO). if (w.addEventListener) { So, is it correct to say "from (x hour) onwards"? s.src = ""; ", “I can't believe that I have a real person who can revise my English sentence through the internet. Rozporządzeniem Rady (WE) nr 1239/98 z dnia 8 czerwca 1998 r. zmieniającym rozporządzenie (WE) nr 894/97 ustanawiające środki techniczne dla zachowania zasobów połowowych. in accordance with European Customs Seaport regulations will be endorsed to that effect, and you can therefore use the fast lane along the Freeport border that will remain in force until 31.12.2012. z procedurą portu celnego otrzymujecie odpowiedni nadruk, dzięki któremu do 31.12.2012 można korzystać z szybkiego pasa (Schnellspur) przy przekraczaniu granicy wolnego portu. Wszystkich Świętych 3-4). Na terenie obiektu będzie przechowywany gaz ziemny sprowadzany s.src = ""; of the Members States with the exception of the Baltic Sea, the Belts and the Sound and outside those waters the restrictions applied to all Community vessels. reserves, with the property holdings existing at that time having been built up predominantly from contributions by the shareholder Coop Adriatica, the ratio between outside funding and capital and reserves changed in the direction described above mainly due to the effect of the investments made subsequently. that this experience originated a process in which his whole nervous system would. I'll change in the toilet from tomorrow onwards. The kingdom of Jerusalem, as we have seen, had profited by the alliance of Damascus as early as 1130, when the fear of the atabegs of Mosul had first drawn the two together; and when Damascus had been acquired by the rule of Mosul, the hostility between the house of Nureddin in Damascus and Saladin in Egypt had still for a time preserved the kingdom (from 1171 onwards). Anpassungen eines Vertrages bis hin zur Auszahlung im Leistungsfall. in agricultural and forestry tractors (hereafter: tractors). for recruitment to the National School among the methods by which people are first selected, and then qualified, for the Civil Service. Compared with fiscal balances projected in the Convergence Programme for 1999, further substantial consolidation is required in order to comply with the medium-term objective of the Stability and Growth Pact, effec, Au regard des soldes budgétaires prévus dans le Programme de convergence pour 1999, de nouvelles mesures substantielles d'assainissement sont nécessaires pour satisfaire à l'objectif de moyen terme du Pacte de stabilité et de croissance, en vigueur. Come stabilito dall’azione 82 del Libro bianco sulla riforma amministrativa, ripresa ai punti 4.9 e 4.10 della Carta degli ordinatori delegati, adottata dalla Commissione il 13 dicembre 2000. saranno allegate informazioni relative alla gestione di bilancio e contabile all’interno della direzione generale o del servizio in questione, nonché a firmare una dichiarazione che attesti che i servizi funzionano correttamente e, in particolare, che il sistema di controllo interno introdotto è affidabile. z Rosji, do czasu aż zostanie przetransportowany do krajów ościennych, takich jak Niemcy czy Włochy. event organised by FISMED ONLUS to promote the food culture of Mediterranean and Black Sea populations through the preparation and the tasting of 3 menus from the South and 3 from the East. nach Änderung des Projektkonzeptes die jährliche Planung.

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