I am a great believer in the individual donor. Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials. 8 . >> If you receive an error message, please contact your library for help. Add it now to start borrowing from the collection. /AIS false The festival started on a Friday evening when participants sat and listened to music. /Subtype /Image Five of us have died. 1 0 obj endobj Hard Times Require Furious Dancing. To quote Alice Walker, “hard times require furious dancing”. '��T�H��,�2i�l�٤�~�?���x� ?r����� �Ӵi���K��O�dz�zo���p�7K�u(?�\O����ϝ�Ͽ� \��)S�1_�_�v�}����L>/Z�kl�3�/n'�&�"��i� ~>�lk?�P���M�iO�� q�~�g�|9y��l�E���=�� ?��O��|�߿�ͭ��$��q�����3��#� a�z|�T�b����!�`���w��R�S5��/�.
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