It was not given to Jesus nor to the prophets of old, because it was to be a sign of the fulfillment of the prophesy of the Holy Spirit’s coming, and he hadn’t come. Learn how your comment data is processed. 1 Comment Read About Our Privacy Policy. God knows my and understands my language. So now lets see what Jesus said in the verse:Matthew 6:7 "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. This is an interesting question. One could say that it at least isn't precluded from the text, but all things being equal, I think that it is. How is their recollection of Jesus' teaching essentially or substantially different than the Apostles writings? 2You know that when you were pagans you were led astray to mute idols, however you were led. No apocrypha books, not even a church father say anything about tongues. Paul thought such "babble" was worthwhile. We all are going to believe what we want to believe until the Lord shows us something different. Answer. It was not tongues, therefore, because it was a language known to its speaker. #4: Speaking in tongues is prayer, praise, and self-edification. Nor did Jesus ever teach of the need to do so. It's not a badge of merit or achievement, it is a grace given freely by God. Let's go back to Paul, where all of the human misinterpretation begins...let's clear this up once and for all: 1 Corinthians 12:1 1Now concerninga spiritual gifts,b brothers,c I do not want you to be uninformed. Paul makes it very clear that G-d is a G-d of peace not confusion. I have no idea what you have been studying, let me assure you I've spent my own hours upon hours in the Bible, in scholarly works and some primary source material as well. They were not made Sons of God in the Old Testament; they couldn’t have, because Jesus had not come. It's all right there for you to read for yourself. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Matthew 6:7, NASBYour equating tongues with this is unfounded, misses the point of what is actually being addressed and seems validated by you by discounting what Paul said. So, though he had the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit had not been sent to carry out his full ministry and so when he came to carry out his full ministry, the sign of his full presence in the earth had to be given to us and speaking in tongues is that sign. Furthermore, you have completely misunderstood anything I have said regarding Jesus. If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but … Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. I'm not so sure the case against them is so open and shut, especially since what survived the ravages of time came from folk who believed something like modern cessationists. Thats like praying to God and you ask for help to do something that you had trouble with and someone came. There are occasions (like in Acts 2) where a speaker in tongues will speak in a language the speaker does not know (otherwise it would not be tongues) but some hearer does. I know Christians who say they don't speak in tongues but are critical of others because they do speak in tongues. To hold such a position, one would have to do so on subjective bases rather than the facts of the text. Jesus did infact speak in tongues . All we do and say doesn't matter if there is no love.If you speak in tongues or have any other gifts that you may say you have please first show me your love. There is no "magic" in just the red words seeing how Jesus never wrote anything and the first gospel took about 40yrs till it was written down. Jesus was more holy than anyone and he never spoke in tongues. This is, specifically, a New Testament blessing. • MORE AFFIRMATIONS • YOUTUBE So what is "...the language of men and angels?" Your prejudice against tongues prevents you from seeing the obvious.The likeness to the pagans is specific--many words--not screaming, ecstatic utterances, cutting and wailing, drunkenness or sorcery (pharmakia) or anything else. I don't know why people misrepresent the nature of Jesus speaking in Aramaic as speaking in tongues. Jesus said, “I will pray the father;” he said, “when I go to heaven I will pray the father and He shall send you another comforter, even the spirit of truth” [John 14: 16-17], talking about the Holy Spirit. To answer your response, it is your personal interpretation that Jesus meant prayer like the rosary which I am not catholic so I'm not backing them up BUT you can't argue with what the word says. When he was baptized by John the baptist, the Holy Spirit landed on Him as a dove (thus, to me, represents the baptism of the Holy Spirit in His flesh).3. The text on its face would never lead one to conclude it was recording an instance of Jesus speaking in tongues; in fact, I think it would preclude it.-the expression, "in the Spirit" is not synonymous with a manifestation of the Spirit, and certainly not so in 1 Corinthians 14 where an action has to be associated with it (e.g sing, thank, pray) within the understood context of tongues (and other manifestations) in order to convey that thought.So, to offer Luke 10:21 as an instance of Jesus speaking in tongues fails objectively. Kunle Popoola: I wish to thank you and fequest for affirmation train to be sent to my box daily... Ruramai Museba: Praise the Lord! not just in him. But, Jesus was born the son of God and then He needed the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to carry out ministry. Now that we have received the Holy Spirit, what accompanies salvation is required of us and that’s why we have to be built continually through that power of the Holy Spirit; that, Jesus did not require. Everything in the longer ending is paralleled in other portions of the scriptures, so it seems to me the effort to discredit the longer ending serves little practical good. Learn how your comment data is processed. Oh, I agree with you that two things are happening, but they are happening together. It is clearly described in 1 Corinthians and narratively mentioned in Acts. ); including the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues.4. This is our Lord and Savior saying not to do this. As with it is with all human beings, saying and teaching something that isn't even there occurs often and is the case with speaking in tongues. The bible says [that] they knew He never learned, and yet, He had all information because He was the embodiment of all knowledge [John 7:15]. affirmationtrainorg IOW, everyone can speak in tongues, but only some are meant to do so for public consumption.I agree with you about the supremacy of love, but that is never presented in the scripture as a substitute for tongues or the gifts. So, there is a difference between us – how we had to receive Holy Spirit and how Jesus had to receive the Holy Spirit. Your email address will not be published. What language did the shepherds hear when they were told of the birth of the Savior? Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one yet seperate. Did Jesus speak in tongues? Why is tongues so important? 7To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. Welcome to the Sounds DA SAINT.Sounds to me like you've got it! So what shall I do? All the gifts were given for the edification of unbelievers, the church, etc. How can you then attribute Jesus speaking in his native language to be an incidence in tongues? It is the language of worshipping our God. Let me read that to you. So Akbar, if the Devil was saying something true, God would be in him? For …. If you want to believe it, you can, but I see no warrant scripturally for you to do so. Jesus was not saying he was God but that God was in him. Luke knowing well that "In the Spirit" mean a manifestation of tongues according to 1 Corinth. He was the Word made flesh. I would suppose the vast bulk of those that make such claims are trying to find biblical support for a practice and just looking in the wrong place for it.Jesus was saying he and the Father are one. Which explains why to the church of Corinth it was important to receive the gifts of "various tongues! And again I am not using the words out of context, you have to use hermeneutics with the scriptures.
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