After he explained himself, Jaina told him that she understood as he had caught her red-handed too.
Immediately he ran to Garrosh's cell, convincing the brothers Li and Lo to let him enter for the last time. Though he loves his father, this violent act has caused Anduin to be wary of him.
[77], The king didn't tell anyone about what he had experienced when he sensed Varian's presence, not even Velen, who would have understood.[38]. Before he met the dwarven guard, he resented training with heavy weapons and often found excuses to avoid it.
Whereas if she lived, through her and her son, all dwarven clans could unite.
[68], Heir to the throne of Stormwind, Anduin is wise beyond his years. Les he contado todas mis aventuras en el Templo de Chi-ji. Dougie was pretending to be Anduin but Karyn convinced him to be Varian because he was tougher. He wondered if that would be enough for the Alliance and for Azeroth, and resolved that it would have to be and that there would be peace one day. During an Alliance meeting, Anduin informed everyone that Jaina had been to Theramore when Gelbin Mekkatorque asked if anyone had gone there following the massacre.
In the end, the council voted unanimously in favor of Thrall and Ji Firepaw to meet with Jaina and Anduin in hopes that it would aid in the hunt and capture of Sylvanas Windrunner.
As Garrosh took his bowl and was about to take a bite from his meal, Anduin kicked the bowl. [110], Following the fall of N'Zoth, Anduin called for the Alliance leaders to gather in Stormwind. The prince hiding from Onyxia in her lair. Anduin knew he needs to undergo a courtship eventually but he found the idea of an arranged forced marriage, stranger or not, abhorrent and felt Tess Greymane would feel the same. [58] Jaina Proudmoore however, refused; citing a desire to maintain Dalaran's neutrality. While there, Anduin also witnesses first hand the destruction of the Cataclysm as earthquakes wreaked havoc in Khaz Modan, leading to the death of one of his friends, Aerin.
When Baine, who acted as Garrosh's defense attorney, and Tyrande, who acted as Garrosh's prosecutor, finished their speeches, Anduin wanted to support Baine but was instead taken by his father outside of the trial proceedings so he wouldn't have to interact with Garrosh. (Removed in 3.0.2 with the return of his father.). Varian started to tell Bolvar, Anduin, and Lady Prestor about his visions, until Lady Prestor touched him and remarked how astonished she was by his nobility. In the NPCs category.
The battle ended in disaster, as Varian lost his life in the battle and the remaining Alliance forces barely got out alive due to the Horde's unexpected retreat.